Funeral Planning at Work

Traditional Funeral Arrangements & Their Limitations

Until recently, there have been three ways a family has provided for a funeral. However, these routes are not typically ideal in many circumstances.

The first is level death benefit life insurance. This is normally intended to cover ongoing living expenses for the surviving family members. It usually requires waiting weeks or even months until proceeds are available, and with inflation, proceeds may erode over time. As well, dealing with a level death benefit life insurance may involve disputes over contested claims.

The second traditional way has been through the use of one's savings. Often savings become depleted by the costs of illnesses before death. The funds may also be tied up in probate or not readily accessible at the time of death. As well, long-term savings may be reduced by taxes and early withdrawal penalties.

The third way people have planned to provide for a funeral is to rely on friends and relatives. Doing so places unexpected burden on those you care about most. It may put survivors in an uncomfortable and embarrassing situation that and can cause friction between loved ones. It is also important to keep in mind that borrowed money must be repaid.

Funeral Planning in Recent Times

More and more people are opting to create a funeral plan. A funeral plan eliminates your concerns by allowing you to plan and fund your funeral before the need arises.

You put your plans in writing, so there will be no doubt about your wishes. Family and friends will never have to wonder if they have done the right thing, if they have forgotten anything, or if what they selected is what you truly would have wanted.

Using a funeral plan will help you avoid the issues that may arise when using traditional funeral arrangements.

What is your next step? Plan ahead.

Contact us if you have any questions or would like to meet with Maher's Funeral Home to discuss funeral prearrangement in more detail.
